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Parks & Recreation 06.15.09 Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                      _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM), Mike Prisco (MP), Billie Luker (BL)
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS),
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Location: Town Hall, Room 10

7:07pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)

Audience of Citizens: NRLL-Sib Masiello (president)

Acceptance of minutes from 06/01/09 meeting
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from June 1, 2009 with the specified corrections.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.

New Business
NR Recycling-Ed McGrath
Ed McGrath did not appear for the meeting.

July Meeting Dates- (SS)
Committee made a decision to change next meeting to June 29, 2009.  Sheila will book a room.  Also, made meeting for the month of July for July 20th at 7pm in room 5.  August meetings are currently scheduled for August 3rd and August 17th.  There is a meeting Scheduled for Sept. 7th that must be changed because it is Labor Day.

Community Center (SC)
There was no update on plans for Community Center

Lights at Middle School (RM)
Rita (RM) updated committee on Lights at Middle school.  She spoke with NRYFL and they are asking for P&R to help out with the costs.  
Marty (MT) said he would look into the cost of renting lights.  He wanted to know when practices started to see if they can start practices early. Marty had an idea of using the NRLL field at Benevento complex. Sergio (SC) felt that it would hurt the field. Lauren (LM) suggested calling RMLD about lights.  Mike (MP) pointed out that not only would they need field lights but also lighting from the field to the parking lots for safety. Rita (RM) polled the committee on what they would be willing to think about spending toward lights and the committee agreed that they would need more research but would lean toward supporting half the expense up to a certain amount. Mike (MP) suggested P&R offering the use of P&R facilities for fundraising.  Sergio (SC) suggesting

Page 2-Lights at MS- Continued
Adding lights at IRP on already existing light poles. Rita (RM) suggested lights at Rays Field at IRP at the front of the park.  

(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion that Parks & Recreation will pay up to 50%, but not to exceed $5000 for Parks & recreation contribution toward lighting of the football practice field wherever it may be.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

Billie(BL) asked if we can use the $ for Mullen field for the lights and use the field for football practice.
The committee wants us to check with CPC to see if we need to pull permits for the use of portable lights.

Financials to Date (MS)
Maureen (MS) summarized the financials up to date for the committee.  Committee asked if we had a budget for FY10 and Maureen confirmed there was.

NR Youth Softball recognition (MS)
Stacey O’Leary of NR Youth Softball called asking if they could do a dedication plaque for Mike Carney the President of NR youth Softball because he is retiring.  They want to put the dedication plaque on the inside at the Snack Shack at the Little School softball Complex.  

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to allow a dedication plaque for Mike Carney to be hung on the inside of the concession building at the NRYS field at the Little School.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

Sheila (SS) will take action to call Stacey O’Leary that the dedication has been approved.

Old Business
NRLL- NRLL Members (SC/MT) Sib Masiello (NRLL President)
Sib Masiello summarized the situation for the committee stating that NRLL received 3 bids for a septic system for the project at Benevento Complex.  The lowest bid was $32.8k.  Sib is asking P&R to help out with the expense of the septic system.  P&R committee assured Sib that they want to help out with the project but they need to review their financials in detail and see where the budget is at before committing a specific amount. However, the P&R committee as a whole stated that if they were to contribute to them and NRLL must come together and meet to come up with a project plan, expense budget outlook, go over policies and procedures and timelines and work together. Committee asked Sib for bids to review over the next week and he agreed.
Sib(SM) paid the NRLL user fees owed in the amount of $14,535.

IRP Bathroom-bid update (SC, MS)
Sergio (SC) reviewed the numbers for the bathroom with the committee and reviewed with Mike O’Neill and summarized suggestions with the committee.  Sergio (SC) and Mike (MP) will see Mike O’Neill to see what can be consolidated. They are waiting to firm up the numbers for the bldg cost.
Turf Field –Update (RM)
Rita (RM) updated the committee that there is a turf site meeting on Wednesday June 17th at 10 am at the NRHS field with Gale Associates.  Gale Associates will be putting together the bid packages for the project. Rita also updated the committee that the Tree Hearing Meeting went very well.  Rita had a receipt to submit for payment for the plans from Gale Associates.
(BL) Billie Luker made a motion to approve payment on invoice to pay Gale Associates for drawings & Plans invoice amount is $45,907.20 dated June 5, 2009 inv#0905163
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

Page 3-
Friend of NR P&R 501 (C) (3) (LM)
Lauren (LM) updated the committee on status.  Nothing has been received back yet on paperwork, still waiting.

Other Business
Marty (MT) has to issue PO’s for KidSpot and he is doing work over the next 3 to 4 weeks.  Committee wants KidSpot on next agenda to review what is left to complete and go over the budget for project.

Letter to the Editor-(LM)
Lauren (LM) Suggested and volunteered to write a letter to the editor of the NR Transcript thanking all league coaches and volunteers for their support and time volunteer to our local sports and youth.  The committee supports 100 %.

(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:30 pm.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0